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Sydney North

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'Milonga Mi Amor' Tango Concert in Humph Hall'Milonga Mi Amor' Tango Concert in Humph Hall
2pm, Sunday 18th November 2012 By Wayne Richmond
The Shack - December '12The Shack - December '12
7.30pm, Saturday 1st December 2012 By Roxana Jarolimek
Also: The Shack
Hell, Fire, Rain (& a Nut) in Humph HallHell, Fire, Rain (& a Nut) in Humph Hall
3pm, Sunday 16th September 2012 By Wayne Richmond
The Shack - October '12The Shack - October '12
7.30pm, Saturday 6th October 2012 By Roxana Jarolimek
Also: The Shack
US Crooner Gregory Page comes to Humph HallUS Crooner Gregory Page comes to Humph Hall
7pm, Saturday 13th October 2012 By Wayne Richmond
Also: Humph Hall
Battler's Ballad 'live' DVD recording in Humph HallBattler's Ballad 'live' DVD recording in Humph Hall
7pm, Saturday 20th October 2012 By Wayne Richmond
Also: Humph Hall
Penny Davies & Roger Ilott come to Humph HallPenny Davies & Roger Ilott come to Humph Hall
7pm, Friday 27th July 2012 By Wayne Richmond
The Shack - July '12The Shack - July '12
7.30pm, Saturday 7th July 2012 By Roxana Jarolimek
Also: The Shack
Pat Drummond & Karen Lynne return to Humph HallPat Drummond & Karen Lynne return to Humph Hall
2pm, Sunday 8th July 2012
(N.B. Previously 9th June) By Wayne Richmond
Also: Pat & Karen on YouTube
Enzo Toppano & Vov Dylan return to Humph Hall!Enzo Toppano & Vov Dylan return to Humph Hall!
2pm, Saturday 14th July 2012 By Wayne Richmond
Free screening of Eric Bogle in Concert DVDFree screening of Eric Bogle in Concert DVD
7pm, Saturday 21st July 2012 By Wayne Richmond
The Shack - August '12The Shack - August '12
7.30pm, Saturday 4th August 2012 By Roxana Jarolimek
Also: The Shack
The Shack - September '12The Shack - September '12
7.30pm, Saturday 1st September 2012 By Roxana Jarolimek
Also: The Shack
Unsung Heroes of Australian History comes to Humph HallUnsung Heroes of Australian History comes to Humph Hall
2pm, Sunday 26th August 2012 By Wayne Richmond
Loosely Woven presents 'One Voice'Loosely Woven presents 'One Voice'
29th July - 19th August 2012 By Wayne Richmond
Also: About Loosely Woven
Also: Humph Hall

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