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Battler's Ballad 'live' DVD recording in Humph Hall
7pm, Saturday 20th October 2012

By Wayne Richmond
Posted Monday, July 30, 2012

Battlers’ Ballad is a new project from Chloë and Jason Roweth, featuring Bill Browne on kit drums - usually brushes, snare and cymbal. Their palette of sounds includes voices, guitar, bouzouki, mandola, mandolin and the cut down kit.

The trio have put together a repertoire of "under-sung" Australian traditional, bush, early country and contemporary music in striking arrangements - open, fresh, vibrant and inventive. Contributions to the band’s material have come from some of the great bush singers and musicians - Joe Yates, Simon McDonald, Sally Sloane, Charlie Kyle, Michael O’Rourke, Smoky Dawson, Jack Wright, Duke Tritton, Pat Nightingale ... It is a long list!

Battler's Ballad

True to the name, “Battlers’ Ballad” is a story of the battlers, workers, those who’ve struggled (and sometimes fought for) what they believe is their place in the world. It is a story of convicts, bush workers, footballers, bushrangers, rail and road - made from the songs of the kitchen, the verandah, the shearers’ huts, the front bar of the local, and around the campfire.

Bookings advised as new Council regulations limit audience to 50!

And the band often catch these battlers on a Saturday night - on the spree! You’ll laugh, tap your toe, sing along (definitely sing along!) - even kick up your heels - more often than you will cry, though at times you might find a tear or two coming. And the story runs from early Saturday night, with the family gathered - to late, when the kids should definitely be in bed (though they’ve probably snuck out to listen from the hall!).

The trio plans to record a live DVD at Humph Hall. Expect to laugh and cry. Expect a new look at the old and an old take on the new.

“So glad I took the opportunity to hear Battlers’ Ballad play their first performance - a choice collection of songs and tunes. Looking forward to seeing where this exciting, musical journey takes such an accomplished trio.” - Jim Low
Entry by donation ($25/$15).

Call or email Wayne (02) 9939 8802 to reserve your seat.

Humph Hall
85 Allambie Road
Allambie Heights

Photo of Humph Hall

Formerly the Allambie Heights Uniting Church, Humph Hall is now the private home of Gial Leslie and Wayne Richmond.

As with all concerts in Humph Hall Battler's Ballad will perform acoustically - no PA system! :-)

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Battler's Ballad 'live' DVD recording in Humph Hall
Bill Browne's percussion joins forces with Chloë & Jason's vocals, mandolin and guitar playing to form the new trio Battler's Ballad