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Hell, Fire, Rain (& a Nut) in Humph Hall
3pm, Sunday 16th September 2012

By Wayne Richmond
Posted Wednesday, August 8, 2012

You are invited to an afternoon of stories, poetry & song presented by professional storytellers together with members of Loosely Woven.

Sue Alvarez
Christine Greenough
Jo Henwood
Stephen Meagher

Patricia Jones

Noni Dickson (harp)
Eric Eisler (guitar, mandolin)
Mikey Floyd (double bass, viola)
Ian Hamilton (vocals)
Stephen Malloch (violin)
Kazu Milne (violin)
Samantha O'Brien (flute)
Wayne Richmond (piano)
Jill Stubington (conductor)
Meredith Williams (flute, vocals)
David Wilson (vocals)

Performers in Louisa's Walk, a previous Humph Hall storytelling event

Entry free!

This event is the third example of a show specifically put together for Humph Hall.

One performance only!

Call or email Wayne (02) 9939 8802 to reserve your seat.

Humph Hall
85 Allambie Road
Allambie Heights

Formerly the Allambie Heights Uniting Church, Humph Hall is now the private home of Gial Leslie and Wayne Richmond.

Photo of Humph Hall

As with all concerts in Humph Hall, 'Hell, Fire, Rain (& a Nut)' will be performed acoustically - no PA system!

This concert was originally scheduled to occur on Sunday 29th April 2012 but had to be postponed due to the threat of a Warringah Council imposed injunction.

Related info:
Humph Hall
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Hell, Fire, Rain (& a Nut) in Humph Hall
Storyteller Christine Greenough performing in Louisa's Walk, a previous Humph Hall storytelling event.