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Sydney North

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String Theories return to Humph HallString Theories return to Humph Hall
7pm, Saturday 21st May 2016 By Wayne Richmond
Also: Humph Hall
Little Rabbit (VIC) come to Humph HallLittle Rabbit (VIC) come to Humph Hall
7pm, Saturday 18th June 2016 By Wayne Richmond
The Dingo's Breakfast return to Humph HallThe Dingo's Breakfast return to Humph Hall
3pm, Sunday 17th April 2016 By Wayne Richmond
The Hollands! (US) return to Humph HallThe Hollands! (US) return to Humph Hall
7pm, Friday 22nd January 2016 By Wayne Richmond
'Men with Day Jobs' return to Humph Hall'Men with Day Jobs' return to Humph Hall
7pm, Friday 5th February 2016 By Wayne Richmond
David Bridie & Jed Rowe at Fairlight FolkDavid Bridie & Jed Rowe at Fairlight Folk
7.30pm, Saturday 13th February 2016 By Rosie McDonald
Also: Fairlight Folk
Valentines Day concert with Fred Smith and Liz FrenchamValentines Day concert with Fred Smith and Liz Frencham
3pm, Sunday 14th February 2016 By Wayne Richmond
Colum Sands comes to Humph HallColum Sands comes to Humph Hall
3pm, Sunday 20th March 2016 By Wayne Richmond
Mike Mudd (US) comes to Humph HallMike Mudd (US) comes to Humph Hall
7pm, Friday 1st April 2016 By Wayne Richmond
Celebrate New Year's Eve in Humph HallCelebrate New Year's Eve in Humph Hall
from 7pm, Thursday 31st December 2015 By Wayne Richmond
Loosely Woven presents 'Bright Eyes'Loosely Woven presents 'Bright Eyes'
20th Nov - 13th December 2015 By Wayne Richmond
Also: About Loosely Woven
Also: Humph Hall
Enda Kenny comes to Humph HallEnda Kenny comes to Humph Hall
7pm, Sunday 29th November 2015 By Wayne Richmond
'For King & Country' - WW1 Commemoration at Humph Hall'For King & Country' - WW1 Commemoration at Humph Hall
2pm, Sunday 6th September 2015 By Wayne Richmond
Lagoon Hill Zydeco + Cabalie in Humph HallLagoon Hill Zydeco + Cabalie in Humph Hall
7pm, Friday 11th September 2015 By Wayne Richmond
Wheeze & Suck Band return to Humph HallWheeze & Suck Band return to Humph Hall
7pm, Friday 25th September 2015 By Wayne Richmond

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