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Central Coast

Central Coast Bush Dance 13th August 2016
7.30pm till 11.30pm at the East Gosford Progress Hall
Cnr. Henry Parry Drive & Wells Street, East Gosford, on the beautiful Central Coast of NSW. By David Potter
Central Coast Bush Dance 9th April 2016
7.30pm till 11.30pm at the East Gosford Progress Hall
Cnr. Henry Parry Drive & Wells Street, East Gosford, on the beautiful Central Coast of NSW. By David Potter
Central Coast Bush DanceCentral Coast Bush Dance
Bush dancing on the Central Coast By Jill Neville
Bush Music Club's Subscription BallBush Music Club's Subscription Ball
7 pm, Saturday 22nd August, 2009, Maitland Town Hall By Sandra Nixon
Also: Bush Music Club
Also: Subscription Ball history
Ryebuck dance follows successful displayRyebuck dance follows successful display
7.30-11.30pm Saturday 9th June 2007 By Mark Snell
Central Coast Bush Dance continues the traditionCentral Coast Bush Dance continues the tradition
7.30 - 11.30pm Saturday 12th May 2007 By Mark Snell
Snake Gully Bush DanceSnake Gully Bush Dance
East Gosford, 9th April 2005