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'On the road' again with Loosely Woven
6th - 20th April 2008

By Wayne Richmond
Posted Sunday, March 2, 2008

Following last year's successful tour, Loosely Woven will once again be taking a concert 'On the road' with performances in Dungog, Tamworth, Talarm, Grafton & Yamba in conjunction with local instrumentalists and singers. This year they will also be doing three performances beforehand in Sydney.

The line-up for this tour will once again include the amazing Sonia Bennett. Instruments will include harp, fiddles, recorders, flutes, guitars, banjo, mandolin, accordion, keyboard and percussion. See the Loosely Woven web site for details of the program.

All Loosely Woven concerts are performed acoustically - no PA!

There will be eight public performances:

Frenchs Forest Baptist Church
2pm, Sunday 6th April
617 Warringah Road, Forestville

St Andrews Presbyterian Church, Manly
7pm, Fri 11th April
65 Raglan Street, Manly

New Theatre, Newtown
2pm, Saturday 12th April
542 King Street (midway between Newtown & St Peters stations)

Dungog Baptist Hall
7pm, Monday 14th April
Mackay Street, Dungog

7pm, Wed. 16th April
(venue to be determined)

Talarm Hall
7pm, Thurs. 17th April

Grafton Salvation
Army Hall
7pm, Saturday 19th April
Oliver Street, Grafton

Yamba Pub. School Hall
2pm, Sunday 20th April
Angourie Road, Yamba

Attendance at the New Theatre will cost $15 - all proceeds towards the New Theatre Building Fund. All of the other venues will be free although donations will be invited.

For more information visit the Loosely Woven web site or contact Wayne by email or phone: (02) 9939 8802, (0400) 803 804.

'On the road' again with Loosely Woven
Barry Lees facilitating some audience participation!