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Loosely Woven presents 'Chimes of Freedom'
19th April - 12th May 2013

By Wayne Richmond
Posted Saturday, February 2, 2013

Loosely Woven is a community based group of people who put together and perform three brand new shows each year. 'Chimes of Freedom' is the first of these for 2013.

The title of the concert is from the song and the album that Bob Dylan released last year honouring 50 years of Amnesty International.

The rest of the program will be the usual eclectic mix including: an original song called 'Life's Savings' which angrily addresses the shameful way we treat people seeking refuge in our country, Eric Bogle's powerful anti-war song 'All the fine young men', Kavisha Mazzella's 'Love & Justice' anthem, Alistair Hulett's song 'Destitution Road' about the plight of the Scottish poor and Chris Wheeler's song 'Woomera' bemoaning the fate of Australia's original inhabitants.

There are, however, lots of lighter songs as well including: Linda Rondstadt's 'When will I be loved?', ' I will follow him' from Sister Act, ' Button up your overcoat', John Farnham's 'You're the voice' and a beautiful arrangement of The Beatles' song 'Blackbird'.

Instruments this time will include flutes, harp, clarinets, saxophones, recorders, violin, guitars, mandolin, concertinas, accordion, keyboard and percussion.See the Loosely Woven 'Chimes of Freedom' web site for more information and a complete list of items (including downloadable copies of the music) and the audience program. Check out the Loosely Woven video clips on YouTube!

As usual, Loosely Woven will be performing acoustically - no PA system.

Owing to limited seating, bookings strongly recommended for the performances at Humph Hall. Bookings, however, are not necessary for the other venues. But don't be late - Loosely Woven concerts always start on time!

There will be six public performances including two performances in Humph Hall:

St Andrews Uniting Church, Sth Turramurra
7pm, Friday 19th April
Chisholm & Vernon Streets, Sth Turramurra

St Davids Uniting Church, Dee Why
2pm, Sunday 28th April
St Davids Ave (next to the police station)

Concord Presbyterian Church
7pm, Friday 3rd May
Cnr Correys & Concord Road, Concord

Amnesty International Candle logo

Avalon Baptist Peace Church
4pm, Sun 5th May
2 George Street, Avalon
(for Amnesty International)

Humph Hall, Allambie Heights
7pm, Friday 10th May
2pm, Sunday 12th May
85 Allambie Road

The Humph Hall performance on Sunday 12th May will be recorded and videod and uploaded to YouTube.

Humph Hall

Formerly the Allambie Heights Uniting Church, Humph Hall is now the private residence of Gial Leslie and Wayne Richmond.

For more information visit the Loosely Woven web site or contact Wayne by email or phone: (02) 9939 8802, (0400) 803 804.

Loosely Woven presents 'Chimes of Freedom'
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