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Posted Thursday, January 8, 2009
Last year's 'Beauty of the World' concert was Loosely Woven's long awaited follow-up to the environment focused concert 'Fogs is the problem!' which they did back in 2004 with Australia's Poet Lorikeet Denis Kevans & Sonia Bennett. Sadly, illness prevented Sonia from participating in the final two performances including the one that was supposed to be recorded.
Consequently, the concert is being revived for one last time on Sunday 8th March in the Mosman Art Gallery.
Instruments include harp, fiddles, viola, recorders, clarinets, saxophones, flutes, ukuleles, concertina, keyboard and percussion. See the Loosely Woven web site for details of the program.
All Loosely Woven concerts are performed acoustically - no PA!
Mosman Art Gallery
2.30pm, Sat 8th March 2009
Corner Art Gallery Way & Myahgah Road
Tickets: $20 ($10 concession) - all proceeds to Mosman's sister city Maubara, East Timor.
The concert will be recorded and videod and made into a DVD.
For more information visit the Loosely Woven web site or contact Wayne by email or phone: (02) 9939 8802, (0400) 803 804.