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Bush Dance with Gang Gang Bush Band
7.30-10.30pm, Saturday August 13th, Wentworth Falls School of Arts Theatre.

By Caroline Barrell
Posted Monday, July 18, 2016

Come and enjoy some lively bushdancing at Wentworth Falls School of Arts Theatre to drive the cold Winter away.

Theme - Bush, Old Time, and Colonial dances.

Dress code - Winter

with Blue Mountains Heritage Dance Group (Social Dancing for fun) and the Ganggangs Bushband.

All dances are taught and called by experienced dance caller Duncan Barrell, making them accessible to beginners. No partner needed.

Cost - $10 adult, tickets available at the door. Children free if fully accompanied.

Tea, coffee and cordial provided, please bring a small plate supper.

Enquiries - Caroline

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Gang Gang Bush Band
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Bush Dance with Gang Gang Bush Band
Bushdance with the Ganggangs