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Bush Music Club Beecroft Dance
8-12pm, Sat 1st June 2013

By Sandra Nixon
Posted Monday, February 4, 2013

For almost 60 years The Bush Music Club Inc. has pursued its aim of collecting, publishing, performing and popularising Australian traditions of song, dance, verse and folklore.

It runs a monthly bushdance at Beecroft, a twice-yearly bushdance at Ermington, a weekly dance workshop at Pennant Hills, a weekly music workshop at Marrickville and two Colonial Balls per year, as well as publishing a regular magazine "Mulga Wire" and various books and CDs.

Please note that due to hall usage restrictions, alcohol is generally not permitted at dances.

Costs - (includes generous supper)
$19 Full
$17 Concession
$14 BMC Members
$10 High School student
$38 Family

Beecroft - 8.00pm - Midnight, First Saturday every month (bar January)

Venue - Beecroft Community Centre, Beecroft Road (Opposite Fire Station & Public School), Beecroft

Contacts - Sigrid 9980 7077 or Wilma is 9489 5594 or Peter 9477 5848

Band - Snake Gully
Caller -

Bush Music Club Beecroft Dance