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Anne Ridgway + Tony Eardley @ The Dog
8pm, Sat 24th June 2006

By Sandra Nixon
Posted Thursday, June 1, 2006

Anne Ridgway

soaring voice, flowing lyrics

Anne is a contemporary singer-songwriter playing 6 and 12 string guitars. A soaring voice, flowing lyrics and ambient, intricate guitar work best describe the soulful music of Anne Ridgway.

Playing alongside her will be friends and fine musicians from the "Mothers of Intention" – Rose McDonald, Penny Rankin-Smith and Tony Pyrzakowski.

Tony Eardley

Tony Eardley

Since migrating from England in the mid-1990s, Blue Mountains singer Tony Eardley has gained a growing reputation for poetic song writing and moving performance of contemporary and traditional folk music.

Tony accompanies himself on melodic guitar and bouzouki, and his vocal style is sometimes likened to that of Nick Drake. He is also a member of the enigmatic Spooky Men's Chorale

poetic song writing

Come & be part of the famous singing Dog audience in Sydney's best & most famous acoustic space. It might be winter outside, but we'll be warm & toasty inside.

Tony and Anne in the Blue Mountains

Doors open 7:40 - show starts promptly at 8:00 with floor acts.

Tickets: $14 ($12 concessions)

For more info contact Sandra Nixon (02) 9358 4886.

Coming up at the Dog . . .

  • 22 July - Blue Mountains (Union) Singers + Just a TAD & Moz - 1 hour each
  • 26 Aug - TBC
  • 23 Sept - Songs of Sedition with The Shiny Bum Singers + John Dengate + lots of other seditious singers
  • 28 Oct - TBC
  • 25 Nov - Danny Spooner, Margaret Walters +TBC
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Anne Ridgway + Tony Eardley @ The Dog
Anne Ridgway at Gearin's Hotel in Katoomba