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Ecopella & Bod @The Loaded Dog
8PM, doors open 7.40pm, Saturday 23rd September, 2017

By Sandra Nixon
Posted Sunday, August 20, 2017

Ecopella is an environmental choir that sings about the beauty of our world and the struggle to protect it from exploitation and degradation. The choir "causes harmony to the environment" by providing activists and audiences with topical a cappella singing at a high standard. Our strong environmental message encourages positive change in people's thoughts and actions, and we offer support to a wide variety of green organisations.

+ support

Bod - singer of shanties & other folk songs


Eeks - supplied

Bod - Sandra Nixon



Loaded Dog, Back Hall,
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre,
79 Johnston St, 8pm (doors open 7.40pm)
$18/20, BYO, supper available.
enquiries Sandra (02) 9358 4886,

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The Loaded Dog

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Ecopella & Bod @The Loaded Dog