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John Dengate Memorial Concert @ The Loaded Dog
8pm sharp - no floor spots!!, Saturday 19th October, 2013 (3rd Saturday) - doors open 7.40pm

By Sandra Nixon
Posted Friday, July 19, 2013

Join John's family and friends as they reminisce and remember him.

The Concert starts at 8pm (sharp) with contributions from Dale & her grandchildren - no floorspots, so don't be late!!!

The first part of the evening will include spots from Colleen Burke, Pat Drummond, Bob & Margaret Fagan, Patrick Harte, Cj Shaw, Jane Scott & John Warner.

After supper we'll have contributions from audience members so bring a song or poem written by John, one he liked or one written about him, or bring a memory to share.

photos -
John @ The Dog - Mike Young

The photos of Dale & John, his mother Kit (aka Bare-legged Kate), sons Sean & Lachlan, & grandchildren Cal & Roisin were taken a week before John's death at Kit's 99th birthday party. (Dengate family photos)


Loaded Dog, upstairs Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, 79 Johnston St, 8pm
(doors open 7.40pm)
$18/20, BYO, supper available.
enquiries Sandra (02) 9358 4886,



Note - door prices have risen as the Dog's rent has doubled to align the Annandale
Neighbourhood Centre with other Leichhardt Council properties

John Dengate Memorial Concert @ The Loaded Dog