The Shack - May 2008
7.30pm, Saturday 3rd May 2008
By Kathleen Swadling
Posted Saturday, March 22, 2008
The Tramshed
1395a Pittwater Road
(In between the Ambulance Station and Car Park of Narrabeen Shopping Centre)
Guest artists this month include:
- The Green Mohair Suits - A lively, energetic blue grass band made up of three incredibly talented musicians whose strong vocals and multiple part harmonies are cleverly complimented with backing guitars, banjo and mandolin. Inspired by the quiet desperation type songs of Hank Williams, this 3-piece band sometimes describe themselves as “mournful country blue grass”.
- Selalu - Trevor, Kathleen and Tully, who collectively call themselves “Selalu” are launching their debut album, “When the World Was Young” at this month’s Shack and invite everyone to come and join in their celebration. With an acoustic line up of guitars, bass, mandolin, banjo and 3-part harmonies, they will take you on a journey with a diversity of original songs that are strong and thoughtful. They draw upon contemporary, folk and country styles and their songs contain stories about life, social issues, and moving love ballads.
- Leon Rabin - Leon Rabin is well known for his melodious singing, and relaxed and humorous style. Leon plays guitar for traditional and contemporary folk music and many of his songs lend themselves to joining in.
Coffee and tea is available but BYO refreshments and nibblies.

The Shack is held on the first Saturday of every month. There's a cover charge of $15 (or $10 for members, students and pensioners) to cover costs. The Shack is a non profit organisation – all proceeds go toward the promotion and presentation of original, contemporary and traditional 21st century folk music.