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Jam - the 'do-it-yourself' web site for NSW folkies!  

Mal Webb at North By Northwest!
2pm, Sunday, 6th April 2008

By Jenny O'Reilly
Posted Sunday, March 2, 2008

Mal Webb: Vocal gymnast, multi-instrumentist and songwriter. Ballads, beatbox and beyond. A jolly jaw dropping journeyman. Eclectic, ebullient and even educational. Mal Webb uses a world of vocal techniques and writing styles and plays guitar, mbira, slide trumpet, chromatic harmonica, a loop recording pedal called Derek and the audience... a lot.

Booking is strongly recommended!

Around the world and into your brain, vocal adventurer and songwriter Mal Webb plays too many instruments in too many styles to too many people. He gives eclecticism a bad name, and that's Mal, whatever your language.

A founding member of the Oxo Cubans, Sock and Totally Gourdgeous, he did the music for the Lano and Woodley TV show and Wogs Out of Work. Mal played mbira and sang "Eagle Rock" with Ross Wilson on John Safran's Music Jamboree on SBS and has done a few spots on Spicks and Specks (ABCTV).

"You're a freak!" - Ani DiFranco

"He's like Bobby McFerrin, Aphex Twin and Cole Porter playing scrabble." B. Freely

"Is he alright? He sounded a bit like a chook" - elderly Sydney ABC radio listener.

Mal has spent a lot of time mucking about - including most recently winning the Grease Competition at the National Folk Festival. See **Mal does Grease on YouTube** He writes songs, plays solo and in several bands. He also teaches and gives "Bandmouth" workshops.

In order to take full advantage of his unique talents, we will be breaking with our usual tradition of being fully acoustic, and will be wired for sound this time. Mal is not often seen in Sydney. His performances are always very popular, so early booking is strongly recommended!

North By Northwest Poetry and Folk Club meets in The Cornucopia Cafe, and is one of the best folk venues in Sydney. Entry for this concert is $18 / $15. Refreshments are available and BYO's are welcome.

Cornucopia Cafe
Old Gladesville Hospital
Corner Victoria Road and Punt Road, Gladesville

For directions see this article.

Jenny/John (02) 9559 3658 (h) or (0414) 903 259
Geoff (02) 9816 0393 (w) or (0421) 582 975

See you there!

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Mal Webb at North By Northwest!
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