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Posted Sunday, September 2, 2007
Folk Music has somewhat of a reputation for being a source of songs about trials and tribulations, doom and gloom, and death and destruction, and we seem to delight in singing them. So the tradition of the “body count” session has sprung up, where we look for the song (or poem) which manages to kill off the greatest number of people ( and possibly small animals) - and have fun doing it. Well, some people do say we folkies are a strange lot!
This is a night where everyone can join in. So bring along your best contenders - whether they be song, poem or story, and let the body count roll! A hilarious night of entertainment is guaranteed!
A hilarious night of entertainment
Entry tonight is $8 for all. Refreshments are available and BYO's are welcome.
North By Northwest Poetry and Folk Club meets in The Cornucopia Cafe, and is one of the best acoustic venues in Sydney. There will be refreshments for sale and BYO's are welcome.
Cornucopia Cafe
Old Gladesville Hospital
Corner Victoria Road and Punt Road, Gladesville
For directions see this article.
Jenny/John (02) 9559 3658 (h) or (0414) 903 259
Geoff (02) 9816 0393 (w) or (0421) 582 975
See you there!