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Celebrate a quarter century of Sydney's Solidarity Choir
7.30pm, Saturday 31 March 2012

By Terry Clinton
Posted Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sydney's Solidarity Choir celebrates 25 years in March – a quarter century of collecting some of the world's most uplifting songs of freedom, giving them sophisticated choral arrangements and singing them with joy and defiance at more than 600 community events, public meetings, protests, conferences, concerts, and folk festivals large and small.

It's a momentous time for the choir on several fronts, not the least being the stepping down of choir director Miguel Heatwole after many years at the helm.

Solidarity Choir at the 2010 Blackheath Choir Fesival. Picture by David Hobbs

Such a milestone deserves a big party and that will happen at the Gaelic Club in Devonshire Street Surry Hills on Saturday 31 March starting at 7.30pm.

Solidarity will share its big night with the Sydney Trade Union Choir, Ecopella, Paul Spencer and Andsome Friends.

Entry is by "foldable donation" at the door with all proceeds going to the Asylum Seekers Centre in Surry Hills.

The choir is particularly keen to invite new and past members to take part in this special occasion and to feel free to join any practices between now and then (every Thursday from 6.30pm to 8.45pm at 52 John St, Erskineville).

Anyone who would like to put forward an expression of interest for the position of musical director should contact Terry Clinton on 0404 407 328 or send an email to

See more about the Solidarity Choir at:

Image: Solidarity Choir at the 2010 Blackheath Choir Festival by David Hobbs

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Celebrate a quarter century of Sydney's Solidarity Choir