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2nd Annual Songwriting Workshop with Phyl Lobl, Sat 1st & Sat 8th August, 2015
9.30 to 4pm, Saturday 1st & Saturday 8th August 2015, Tritton Hall, Hut 44, Addison Road Centre, 142 Addison Rd, Marrickville

By Sandra Nixon
Posted Friday, June 12, 2015

Presented by the Bush Music Club - 10 places only! Bookings essential.

Phyl Lobl began writing and then performing songs in the late Sixties as Phyl Vinnicombe. Her early songs were heard by Glen Tomasetti and others who encouraged and involved her in Folk Concerts and linked activities, including the then burgeoning Anti-Vietnam War Movement. She sang at Traynors, The Workshop, and most other Melbourne folk venues operating at that time.Phyl featured on the Score LP Bullockies, Bushwhackers & Booze with Martyn Wyndham-Read, and she released her Dark Eyed Daughter EP as a fundraiser for the Aboriginal Advancement Movement in Victoria.

Along with Glen Tomasetti, Wendy Lowenstein and Shirley Andrews and Norm O'Connor and others including Geri Lobl, Phyl served on the committee that instigated the National Folk Festival Movement.

Since those early days she has taken part in numerous Festivals, Concerts, Workshops and Presentations here and overseas not only but usually with an accent on Australian topics and material. She has served on the Music Board of the Australia Council and published a Music Teaching Resource Not Just Noise. Her work has appeared on several LARRIKIN recordings and those of her own material On My Selection, Broadmeadow Thistle, Alcyone, & Singing The South.

She has given song-writing workshops with an emphasis on ideas and exercises for skill development and not just giving examples of her own songs.

The title of her up-coming workshop indicates one of her aims


Segments include:


Participants return with their song/s on the 8th for feedback.

cost $50

Payment can be made by cheque or Direct deposit

Bush Music Club
GPO Box 433
Sydney 2001

BSB 062-005
Acct 0090 7524
Commonwealth Bank, send email to Treasurer Allen Davis <> with details of payment

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Bush Music Club

Phyl Lobl
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2nd Annual Songwriting Workshop with Phyl Lobl, Sat 1st & Sat 8th August, 2015