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Bush Music Club Friday Night Session - To the North!
Friday 4th June, 2010, 8-10 pm

By Sandra Nixon
Posted Tuesday, April 6, 2010

To the North!

Maybe that's just your winter holiday plans - but the original British settlements were all down south, in the "temperate climes", (except for secure islands and near tropical 'hell-holes' for refractory convicts)... until mineral finds, the prospect of vast cattle holdings, resources to exploit and new world tastes for tropical fruits (and the need for a very long telegraph cable) attracted explorers, exploiters towards the top end.

Don your tropical gear, drape the mozzie net over your solar topi ... and bring along your songs for the topic of the tropics!

Back in the bad old days, we would have said: "Ladies bring a plate - Gents bring a bottle" ... but we know better these days. Just for starters - we want something edible on the plate ... and a decent drop in the bottle!

Cost: $5

Venue - Tritton Hall, Hut 44, Addison Road Centre, 142 Addison Rd, Marrickville

Enquiries: Bob 9569 7244

Photos - Sandra Nixon

Related info:
Bush Music Club Inc
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Bush Music Club Friday Night Session - To the North!