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BMC Friday Night Session - "Twas merry when the hut was full"
8-10pm, Friday Nov 6th, 2009

By Sandra Nixon
Posted Friday, August 28, 2009

Having fun... as best you could... with what you had in these far-flung colonies of the British Empire.

Henry Lawson

Twas merry when the hut was full of jolly girls and fellows,
We danced and sang until we burst the concertina's bellows.
From distant Darling to the sea; from the Downs to Riverina,
Has e'er a gum in all the West not heard the concertina?

'Twas peaceful round the campfire blaze, the long white branches o'er us;
We'd play the tunes of bygone days, to some good old bush chorus.
Old Erin's harp may sweeter be, the Scottish pipes blow keener;
But sing an old bush song for me to the good old concertina.

'Twas cosy by the hut-fire bright when the pint pot passed between us;
We drowned the voice of the stormy night with the good old concertina's.
Though trouble drifts along the years, and the pangs of care grow keener,
My heart is gladdened when I hear that good old concertina.

Back in the bad old days, we would have said: "Ladies bring a plate - Gents bring a bottle" ... but we know better these days. Just for starters - we want something edible on the plate ... and a decent drop in the bottle!

Cost: $5

Enquiries: Bob 9569 7244

Photos - Sandra Nixon

Related info:
Bush Music Club
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BMC Friday Night Session - "Twas merry when the hut was full"