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Central Coast Bush Dance continues the tradition
7.30 - 11.30pm Saturday 12th May 2007

By Mark Snell
Posted Wednesday, April 11, 2007

East Gosford Progress Hall
Cnr Wells St & Henry Parry Drive

This month the band will be Sydney Coves.

The traditional bush dance is designed for novice participation. All dances are taught. They are walked through, then "called" as the dance proceeds.

No experience and no dancing partners are needed – both should be available on the night – but of course experienced dancers and dancers with partners are welcome.

Many of the dances which will be danced on the night have been danced in halls across Australia for more than a century.

Others, such as the "dancer's dance" for the night "Love 'Em and Leave 'Em", have been written more recently in the same style.

The dance is organised by the Central Coast Bush Dance and Music Association Inc on the second Saturday of the month.

Adult entry: $15

For further information, phone Barry or Janice on (02) 4388 2253 or Mark on (02) 4342 5333.

Central Coast Bush Dance continues the tradition
Tim & Steve Lockwood from
The Sydney Coves