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Australian Government Cultural & Recreational Portal.Australian Government Cultural & Recreational Portal.
Over 3,200 websites and 1.6 million pages about Australia's culture & recreation
Australian Morris RingAustralian Morris Ring
All you want to know about Morris Dancing in Australia
Australia CouncilAustralia Council
Federal Government's principal arts funding & advisory body.
Australasian Music Industry DirectoryAustralasian Music Industry Directory
Comprehensive online directory with over 8,000 listings - updated fortnightly.
Australasian Performing Rights Association.
Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Soc.
Community Broadcasting Association of Australia.
Peak body for communty radio & TV stations.
Australian Music Industry
Folk Alliance AustraliaFolk Alliance Australia
National body for folk in Australia.
Trad & NowTrad & Now
The web site of Australias National Folk Magazine.

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