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Sydney West

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Macquarie Towns Folk Club 30th Anniversary ConcertMacquarie Towns Folk Club 30th Anniversary Concert
7pm, Saturday 15 October 2005 By Ellen Manning
Autumn in the Highland ManorAutumn in the Highland Manor
Sun May 22, Parramatta By Marion Hesketh
Heritage Railway BallHeritage Railway Ball
Parramatta Town Hall, Sat 9th April 2005 By Don Richmond
Bush Music Club Ermington DanceBush Music Club Ermington Dance
Ermington - 7-11pm, Sat 21st December 2013 By Sandra Nixon
Loosely Woven presents 'The Living Years'Loosely Woven presents 'The Living Years'
29th Nov - 22nd Dec 2013 By Wayne Richmond
Also: About Loosely Woven
Also: Humph Hall

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