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Bush Music Club's 2016 Heritage Ball
6.30 for 7pm Grand March, Parramatta Town Hall, Saturday 21st May, 2016.
Post-Ball picnic on Sunday at Australiana Pioneer Village, Wilberforce

By Sandra Nixon
Posted Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Bush Music Club Inc. will hold its 2016 Heritage Ball in Parramatta Town Hall on Saturday 21st May 2016.

Grand March starts at 7:00pm, dance until midnight.

Another grand occasion for your enjoyment with music by our renowned Heritage Ensemble. Dress in your favourite fashion from Regency through to Ragtime. A light supper and refreshments are provided during the evening.

Ball tickets will again be limited.

$50 for BMC members (before May 7)
$60 for non-members (before May 7)
$40 for students (before May 7)

All tickets purchased after May 7 will be $70 each

A discount of $3 per person can be obtained for a set of 4 couples (8 tickets) booked and paid for at the same time and before May 7

No tickets will be available after May 16th.

Payment details here


Parking is available at Horwood Place carpark behind the Town Hall.

Dances will be taught at workshops in May:

Pennant Hills Community Centre
Mondays - 2nd, 9th and 16th May 7:30pm - 9:30pm, $7

Hut 44, Addison Rd Community Centre, Marrickville
Wednesdays - 4th, 11th and 18th May 7:30pm - 9:30pm, $7


Post-Ball Picnic

Sunday 22nd May at Australiana Pioneer Village, Wilberforce

Wear colonial dress, further details will be available at the Ball


Enquiries to Wendy Richmond 0412 145 262

(photos - Wayne Richmond, 2015 Heritage Ball)

Bush Music Club's 2016 Heritage Ball