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House Concert at Engadine with Fred Smith
2pm, Sunday 10th April 2005

By Margaret Bradford
Posted Friday, April 1, 2005

Fred Smith is the feature artist at the next house concert at Margaret & Allan's place, Engadine.

Sun 10th April 05, 2pm

Fred Smith is a performer with an unfailing instinct for reaching his audience, whether singing pidgin peace songs to villagers on an airstrip in the remote mountains of Bougainville, or delivering comic ballads to a full house at Tilleys. He has earned a strong following in his hometown Canberra with an unusual cross-generational appeal - to a younger constituency through his gigs at local venues and bars, and to more mature audiences through his performances in small theatre settings and on ABC Radio.

Fred's performances are an extraordinary blend of comic songs combined with serious and tastefully crafted ballads. He performs either solo or with his band the Musicians- a unit which includes drums, bass, piano and, depending on the occasion,a 3 piece string section. The brilliant blues/raunchy Liz Frencham on double base will be accompanying Fred on the concert.

Australia's answer to Billy Brag.

Brilliant wit.

Pure entertainment.

Fred Smith writes -very amusingly - in his own voice.
(Lucky oceans, The Planet, 27.11 01)

Fred is a really important songwriter I reckon and has an inspired turn of phrase. (David Bridie)
Pre-booking is necessary on 9520 6180 as seating is limited to 30-35.

Entry: $12/$15 (includes yummy afternoon tea)

A cosy Sundary afternoon social/musical function.

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House Concert at Engadine with Fred Smith
Frencham Smith