The Shack - September 2009
7.30pm, Saturday 5th September 2009
By Kathleen Swadling
Posted Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The Tramshed
1395a Pittwater Road
(In between the Ambulance Station and Car Park of Narrabeen Shopping Centre)
Guest artists this month include:
- The Wheeze & Suck Band - John ‘Red Tips’ Milce, Geoff ‘One Shot’ Woodhead, Nigel ‘Muddy’ Walters, Tony ‘Pyro’ Pyrzakowski and Ian ‘The Pump’ Macintosh perform Roots music and original material with humour, dash and flair that betrays their UK traditional origins. Scuba diving beneath cathedrals and holy apparitions at Coogee Beach are just two of the weird and strange stories the Wheezers have to share, not to mention a host of ripping tunes. Come early!
- Buck & Deanne - A folk/blues duo featuring fine vocals, close harmonies and nifty guitar. They are entertaining, interesting, spontaneous, oozing with charm, wit and wisdom. They make good music too. Drawing on a combined 30 years musical experience, this romantic, musical collaboration has been laying' em in the aisles from Araluen in W.A. to Woy Woy New South Wales.
- Margaret Bradford - Sydney singer, writer, musician, Margaret has gained a strong following in the live music scene around Australia. Her recordings are widely used within Australia from primary through to Tertiary level education. Her well-crafted songs of conscience, humour and compassion reflect contemporary, environmental and social issues. Margaret has been singing in one form or another for most of her life, as a teacher, entertaining young and old alike at various community gatherings, folk clubs and festivals, rallies, concert houses in and out of Australia.
Coffee and tea is available but BYO refreshments and nibblies.

The Shack is held on the first Saturday of every month. There's a cover charge of $15 (or $10 for members, students and pensioners) to cover costs. The Shack is a non profit organisation – all proceeds go toward the promotion and presentation of original, contemporary and traditional 21st century folk music.