The Shack - August 2009
7.30pm, Saturday 1st August 2009
By Kathleen Swadling
Posted Saturday, June 6, 2009
The Tramshed
1395a Pittwater Road
(In between the Ambulance Station and Car Park of Narrabeen Shopping Centre)
Guest artists this month include:
- Synthesis - Synthesis came together when Ann Palumbo & Paul Laszlo (from the Urban eXcentrics) kept bumping into Tony Pyrzakowski & Rose McDonald (from Mothers of Intention and Wheeze & Suck Band) at festivals. Ann and Paul became frequent guest musicians at festival Karifolkie sessions and Rose and Tony in turn guested with Ann and Paul at the Church Cafe in Glebe. When Paul and Ann needed to put something together for a previously booked gig when band members had gone overseas, the obvious choices were Tony and Rosie, as the musical connection between the four was immediate and exciting. They have since played at the Hornsby Folk Club, Mosman Spring Festival, a showcase at the National folk festival on the Merry Muse stage and have put together a short demo recording with a number of things on the horizon. Featuring four strong vocals, violin, guitars, mandolin, banjo and double basses, the “alchemical synthesis” of the individual components combine to create “music that invigorates the soul”.
- Michael-John Azzopardi - Guitarist Australia magazine once described him as an “Esoteric genius with a penchant for intricate acoustic masterpieces”. Stylistically, Michael-John’s music draws from a wide spectrum of influences including, Celtic/European and Eastern folk, blues, jazz, rock and alternative. He is a regular performer on the Sydney music scene as well as various festivals and folk clubs throughout NSW and the ACT. In a recent review of Michael-John’s self-titled album it was said “He knows how to coax the feeling from a lyric, to husband it with tenderness, lust or wit as the moment dictates. Both his voice and his guitar are expert at expressing the subtlest sentiment and the most strident outburst”.
- Spasm Band - With the big voices of Andy George and Rhonda Mawer complimenting one another, plus the magic of Chris Blanchflower’s wild harmonica playing and Graham Vick’s funky double bass, these accomplished singers and musicians deliver a diverse combination of jug, blues and folk. Members have played in a variety of bands over the years including Country Radio, The East Neasdon Spasm Band, the Stovepipe Spasm Band and the Wheeze & Suck Band.
Coffee and tea is available but BYO refreshments and nibblies.

The Shack is held on the first Saturday of every month. There's a cover charge of $15 (or $10 for members, students and pensioners) to cover costs. The Shack is a non profit organisation – all proceeds go toward the promotion and presentation of original, contemporary and traditional 21st century folk music.