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Session @ The Shamrock
7.30-10.30pm Tues 12th Dec 2006

By Pam Merrigan
Posted Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Shamrock Session Christmas Party

The Shamrock Session is held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month in the Shamrock Inn, Alexandria Pd. Waitara (opp the Station). If you play or have an interest in Irish / Celtic / Australian traditional music you’re very welcome to join the session or just come along to listen.

The Shamrock Session Christmas Party will be the final session for 2006. It’s on Tuesday 12th December so come along and bring your instrument, voice and good cheer, for a few songs and tunes. Dancers are also welcome to step out a set or two. And the best part of all - IT'S FREE!

Veteran “tune heads” Pam & Norm Merrigan will be there to lead off a few tunes and get things rolling along with a brilliant band of session regulars who join in the craic with a great mix of songs & tunes. Treat yourself and be there for the fun!

Where to find us!

The Shamrock Inn, is an Irish Pub in Asquith Leagues Club, (and no, it’s not in Asquith) it's in Alexander Parade Waitara. You can get there by train via the north shore line to Waitara Station. Exit left into Alexandra Parade and you’ll see the Club and Shamrock Inn 100 yards on the left. If you come by car there’s plenty of parking.

Session Dates for 2006: Tues. 14th & 28th November and Tues 12th December

First Session dates for 2007: Tues. 13th & 27th February

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Session @ The Shamrock