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Irish Ceili Night
8-11.15pm, Saturday 22nd May 2010

By Pam Merrigan
Posted Thursday, March 4, 2010

Music & Craic!
Dance the night away.

Grab your dancing shoes and a bunch of friends and join us for a fabulous night of set dancing and more as we recreate a little bit of old Ireland with a typical Ceili night and you're all very welcome. This will be a major fundraiser for the Turning Wave Festival to cover some of the ongoing operating costs so come along and show your support for this great little festival of Irish & Australian Music.

Sydney's premiere Irish Dance Band, the COAST CEILI BAND will set the mood and get your toes tapping with their lively jigs, reels and polkas. Dancers up and down the eastern sea-board of Australia enjoy dancing to their infectious rhythms and, if you're not up to par with your dance steps, don't worry, experienced dance callers Margaret & Bill Winnett and guests will be on hand to show you the ropes.

Cost: $15 Light supper is included but BYO drinks & snacks.

Contact: Pam (02) 9489 5786 for info, bookings or directions.

Pennant Hills Community Centre
(opposite Pennant Hills Rail)

Pennant Hills Community Centre is on corner of Yarrara Road & Ramsay Road, Pennant Hills. Enter car park via Ramsay Road. The fundraiser Ceili is in the hall on the ground floor accessed from car park (northern end).

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Irish Ceili Night
Mad to Dance! Join us 22 May.