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Top UK Duo come to Humph Hall!
7pm, Wednesday 21st March 2012

By Wayne Richmond
Posted Friday, January 20, 2012

Chris While & Julie Matthews are so good at what they do that in 2009 the BBC Folk Awards voted them the best duo in the United Kingdom!

Chris Whiles & Julie Matthews

Here is what others have had to say about them:

“Two of the British folk scene’s biggest acts, & rightly so as they have stunning voices & write excellent thoughtful & literate songs.”

“They serve up a perfect equation of great song writing, covering life & the emotions it evokes, super voices & harmonies & great musicianship."

“Their songs cover life as they see it, from the industrial wastelands of the north, to injustice and freedom, matters of the heart and everything in between.”
Call or email Wayne (02) 9939 8802 to reserve your seat.

Humph Hall
85 Allambie Road
Allambie Heights

Photo of Humph Hall

Formerly the Allambie Heights Uniting Church, Humph Hall is now the private home of Gial Leslie and Wayne Richmond.

As with all concerts in Humph Hall, Chris Whiles & Julie Matthews will perform acoustically - no PA system!

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Top UK Duo come to Humph Hall!
Chris Whiles & Julie Matthews