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Ted Egan brings his Anzacs Presentation to Humph Hall
3pm, Sunday 12th April 2015

By Wayne Richmond
Posted Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Ted Egan is a rare example of someone who rightly deserves the label 'National Living Treasure'.
Ted Egan

Ted Egan was made an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) for “contributions to the literary heritage of Australia through song and verse” and he was appointed Administrator (Governor) of the Northern Territory from 2003-2007.

He has academic status as MA, D.Litt., and has almost finished a PhD degree, all based on Australian history.

For over 40 years he has been writing and recording songs and filming and writing about the Australian people who represent to him the real ethos of this country. He has just completed his 30th album of songs. He was the presenter of 13 documentary films titled This Land Australia and has written ten books. He currently lives with his wife, Nerys, in Alice Springs.

His latest project is 'The Anzacs: 100 Years on in Story & Song' in which his aim is to present the history of Australia and New Zealand in World War 1 through songs and an accompanying historical account – backed up by pictures, DVDs and maps. Ted Egan deplores the war, but salutes the heroism of the Anzacs. He pays particular tribute to the manner in which the youth of today observe proper Anzac traditions.

The Anzacs - 100 Years On

At Humph Hall on Sunday 12th April Ted will present a 75 minute audio-visual presentation based on the book with lots of opportunities to sing-a-long.

For more information about Ted visit his web site. For info about the book, visit the Anzacs in Story & Song web site.

Call or email Wayne (02) 9939 8802 to reserve your seat.

Humph Hall
85 Allambie Road
Allambie Heights
Formerly the Allambie Heights Uniting Church, Humph Hall is now the private home of Gial Leslie and Wayne Richmond.
Humph Hall

As with all concerts in Humph Hall, Ted Egan will perform acoustically - no PA system!

Ted Egan brings his Anzacs Presentation to Humph Hall
Ted Egan