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Free screening of Michael Moore's film 'Sicko'
7pm, Friday 31st October 2014

By Wayne Richmond
Posted Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sicko poster

Come & find out why you don't want the new Northern Beaches hospital privatised!

In this 2007 documentary, Michael Moore exposes the appalling inadequacies of the American privatised healthcare system which the NSW Government seems hell bent on emulating with its decision to have the new hospital in Frenchs Forest built and operated by a private company.

Still from movie 'Sicko' showing two health workers

In ‘Sicko’, Michael Moore shows how private corporations will always exercise their prime duty to their shareholders and put profits first. Almost 50 million Americans are uninsured while the remainder, who are covered, are often victims of insurance company fraud and red tape. ‘Sicko’ points out that the US health care system is ranked 37 out of 191 by the WHO with certain health measures, such as infant mortality and life expectancy, equal to countries with much less economic wealth. Former employees of insurance companies describe cost-cutting initiatives that give bonuses to physicians & others to find reasons for the company to avoid the cost of medically necessary treatments for policy holders, & thus increase profitability.

Come along & find out how we can stop the privatisation of our new hospital.

Visit for more information about the issue.

Humph Hall
85 Allambie Road
Allambie Heights

Photo of Humph Hall

Formerly the Allambie Heights Uniting Church, Humph Hall is now the private home of Gial Leslie and Wayne Richmond

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Free screening of Michael Moore's film 'Sicko'