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Golden Apple Lullabies CD Launch in Humph Hall
3pm, Sunday 14th November 2010

By Wayne Richmond
Posted Sunday, July 4, 2010

This family friendly CD launch/concert will let you taste the magic harp music from such places as South America & Ireland. The program will include a selection of lullabies from the CD together with some more upbeat songs to keep you awake!

Wendy Twibill, Fiona McVicar, Cliona Molins

The musicians:

Cliona Molins (harp)
Wendy Twibill (vocals)
Fiona McVicar (violin, accordion)

Entry: free ($15 donation to Dalwood Spilstead Centre invited).

Call or email Wayne (02) 9939 8802 to reserve your seat.

Humph Hall
85 Allambie Road
Allambie Heights

Photo of Humph Hall

Formerly the Allambie Heights Uniting Church, Humph Hall is now the private home of Gial Leslie and Wayne Richmond.

As with all concerts in Humph Hall, Cliona, Wendy & Fiona will be performing acoustically - no PA!

Related info:
Humph Hall

Cliona Molins
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Golden Apple Lullabies CD Launch in Humph Hall
Golden Apple Lullabies CD