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Dark Horses (Keith Donnelly & Flossie Malavialle) in Humph Hall
7pm, Tue 12th April 2011 (Kids: 2pm)

By Wayne Richmond
Posted Sunday, January 2, 2011

Dark Horses consists of Keith Donnelly and Flossie Malavialle from the United Kingdom.

Dark Horses

Keith Donnelly is not only one of the UK's funniest stand-up comedians but also a fine musician and songwriter.

Here is what others have had to say about him:

"Keith made me laugh so much I blew a whole cheese sandwich out of my nose!" - Phil Cool

"Keith Donnelly! Who the **** is Keith Donnelly?" - Billy Connolly
In the last ten years he has played at literally hundreds of festivals, colleges and universities, arts centres and theatres, comedy clubs, etc. in the UK and worldwide.

Flossie Malavialle is a French singer, now residing in the UK, whose repertoire ranges from folk to jazz, blues to Edith Piaf and Jacques Brel - something for all tastes!

Bonus Extra: Show for kids at 2pm!

In addition to the concert for adults in the evening, Keith Donnelly will present a special show for kids (from pre-school upwards) at 2pm (school holidays).

Keith has performed at nursery and primary schools across the United Kingdom bringing live music and story to children from preschool up. His show on the 12th will be a rare opportunity for our kids to experience a world class children's entertainer in a close-up, intimate, face-to-face environment.

Visit Keith's web site and Flossie's web site.

Suggested optional donation:

Kids Show: $15
Evening Concert with Flossie: $25/$15

Bookings are advised. Wayne (02) 9939 8802.

Call or email Wayne (02) 9939 8802 to reserve your seat.

Humph Hall
85 Allambie Road
Allambie Heights

Photo of Humph Hall

Formerly the Allambie Heights Uniting Church, Humph Hall is now the private home of Gial Leslie and Wayne Richmond.

As with all concerts in Humph Hall, Dark Horses will perform acoustically - no PA system!

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Dark Horses (Keith Donnelly & Flossie Malavialle) in Humph Hall
In addition to the concert for adults in the evening, Keith Donnelly will also present a special show for kids at 2pm.