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Fairlight Folk - Aug 2011
7.30pm, Saturday 13th August 2011

By Rosie McDonald
Posted Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fairlight Folk Acoustic Lounge
3 William Street

Jenny M Thomas and the System

Coming up at Fairlight Folk Acoustic Lounge on 13th August:

  • Jenny M Thomas and the System - Widely acclaimed innovative contemporary band from Melbourne, challenging tradition with wonderful interpretations of the gothic musical tales of Australia's past. As they launch their latest CD, be carried away with the former Circus Oz performer and Golden Fiddle award winning fiddle-singer Jenny M. Thomas, joined by the widely televised Dan Witton on double bass and vocals, Circus Oz Musical Director Chris Lewis on drumkit and vocals. 'The System' is what people loosely called the century of English convict transportation to these fatal shores from the mid 1800’s. Make sure you catch this musical feast!
    “Extraordinary, even revolutionary traditional Australian Folk songs”
    “Jenny M Thomas rescues Australian folk from the world of beards and blue jeans” - THE AGE WEEKENDER
  • Takadimi - Be enthralled by the refreshing melodies of Sydney's own Brianne Curran's violin, Curtis Argent's bass, Jeffrey Argent on percussion, with guitarists James McKendry and Kieran Ryan-Colton who make up Takadimi as they launch their new CD. Their name? 'Ta-ka-di-mi': Indian rhythm-syllables to vocalize a beat divided into four. Their winning style? An organic fusion of Jazz and World music injected with youth and life. Don't miss this chance to enjoy this lively band and their inventive improvisations and evocative soundscapes before they head off on their European tour!
  • Jeremy Smith and his talented friends Liam, Ellidy & Marley - Jeremy has been part of Fairlight Folk from it's inception. Now aged 17 at Mosman High and following a rich musical path, Jeremy and friends will bring the feel good factor to Fairlight folk. Inspired by legends such as Jackson Brown, James Taylor, Elton John, Dave Mathews, Joni Mitchell, Jeremy and friends bring a new reading to the songs.
Entry by donation
$15 per adult
$10 concession and Folk Fed members
$30 family (2 adults + kids) Fairlight Folk

Fairlight folk acoustic lounge is a not for profit venue run by musicians for musicians.Run quarterly for the past 4 years ,FFAL has seen performances from many fine interstate and international performers and has become a greatly anticipated event. With a candle lit ambience and red leather lounges, cafe style seating and lovely acoustics this gallery/church in Fairlight is a BYOG affair. Tea,coffee and soft drinks available.

Information: (0412) 949 842 or visit our web site.

Fairlight Folk - Aug 2011
Takadimi present an organic fusion of jazz and World Music injected with youth and life.