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Mayday Celebration - Black Joak Morris at North By Northwest!
8pm, Thursday, 1st May 2008

By Jenny O'Reilly
Posted Sunday, March 30, 2008

"40 effiminate blacksmiths waving bits of cloth they've just wiped their noses on." (Edmund Blackadder)

What better way to celebrate Mayday than with our own Morris side - Black Joak Morris, fresh from their latest successes at the National Folk festival and St Albans Folk Festival. In their own words - Black Joak was started in October 2004 by a group of lads who felt that Sydney deserved another Morris side. 6 unsuspecting total strangers were coerced from their womb-like niches in suburbia and tricked into performing ancient, arcane and deeply significant rituals to the accompaniment of some demented musicians and their archaic instruments.

The BJM had its first outing at the National Folk Festival in Canberra in March 2005. The outing was a resounding success and the Morris cognoscenti were heard to remark that in a darkened room, what they were presented with would have passed for Morris dancing. Despite this overwhelming accolade the side has persevered and lurched onwards and downwards into new feets (that is a pun) of terpsichore.

"To us Morris dance is a social event and we welcome people of any age and gender to dance or play music with us.”

Black Joak will be dancing outside from 8pm, and this will be followed later by floorspots from some of the group. There will also be an opportunity for other floorspots during the evening.
North By Northwest Poetry and Folk Club meets in The Cornucopia Cafe, and is one of the best folk venues in Sydney. Entry is $12 / $10. Refreshments are available and BYO's are welcome.

Cornucopia Cafe
Old Gladesville Hospital
Corner Victoria Road and Punt Road, Gladesville

For directions see this article.

Jenny/John (02) 9559 3658 (h) or (0414) 903 259
Geoff (02) 9816 0393 (w) or (0421) 582 975

See you there!

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Mayday Celebration - Black Joak Morris at North By Northwest!
Black Joak at the National 08 - Speed the Plough