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Spooky Men in the Vanguard
6-7 July 2006

By Tony Eardley
Posted Thursday, June 1, 2006

The Spooky Men's Chorale is shyly proud to admit to booking what may be its only Sydney dates of 2006.

"... will feature new boofy morsels of the most magnificent kind."

These will effectively be warm-up gigs for our upcoming UK tour of festivals, village halls and secret command bunkers, and should feature some new boofy morsels of the most magnificent kind, including our needlessly stupid rendition of 'Flash' and a brand new Visigoth anthem. The Vanguard is a fine and funky venue with a delicately measured air of bohemian decay that is most conducive to such behemothian excesses as Spooky Men engage in. The support act is yet to be confirmed, but it'll be really, really good....

42 King St, Newtown

Thursday July 6 and Friday July 7 at 9pm

Pre-booked tickets $20 or $46 with dinner main. Bookings through the Vanguard web site or through any Moshtix outlet. The venue would also like you to be aware that Cajun Creole tapas and cocktails are available from 5pm - so you can make a night of it if you wish.

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Spooky Men in the Vanguard