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Smart-Arse/Alec Singer-Songwriters Concert
7-11pm, Sat 29th August 2009

By Ray Gurney
Posted Tuesday, June 2, 2009

SONGSALIVE presents:

Singer-Songwriters Concert

Irish Gaelic Club
Upstairs Members Bar
64 Devonshire St, Surry Hills
Saturday 29th August 7-11pm

$5 Entry


Nerds and Music
Shining Whits

With: Merilyn Steele, Trudy Newell, Nathan McKenna and Isaac Cheong

Host: Russell Neal

Songsalive! is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the nurturing, support and promotion of songwriters & composers worldwide. Founded in 1997 by Gilli Moon Aliotti and Roxanne Kiely, in Sydney Australia, Songsalive! is run by songwriters for songwriters.

PO Box 135
Castle Hill NSW 1765
Australia (02) 9294 2415

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Smart-Arse/Alec Singer-Songwriters Concert