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Bruce Watson - rare Sydney appearance!
7pm, Sunday 21st June 2009

By Christina Mimmocchi
Posted Sunday, May 10, 2009

From Melbourne
Satirical, lyrical acoustic music

The Harp Hotel
900 Princes Highway, Tempe
Support: Walters & Warner
Doors open at 6.30pm : Food available
Tickets $18/$15 at the door.
Enquiries: Margaret (02) 9698 2206

Bruce Watson is a Melbourne songwriter with hysterically funny and heart-wrenching songs; he’s an animated performer who builds great rapport with his audience.

Bruce has become an icon of the Australian folk scene and will be making a rare Sydney appearance. Bruce’s songs run deep as well as tickling funny bones. A well-respected songwriter and prince of parody, he is sometimes hilarious, sometimes serious, but always wonderfully entertaining and full of surprises.

Performers of the calibre of Eric Bogle, Joe Dolce, and Blackwood have Bruce Watson songs in their repertoire. His song, Amazon, has been recorded by Eric Bogle and several other Australian and overseas artists. He has received a swag of prestigious songwriting awards including those at the Port Fairy and National Folk Festivals.

The night kicks off at 7pm with the dynamic duo – Walters and Warner – back after a six-year break. Margaret Walters (the voice) and John Warner (the songsmith) sing with energy, conviction, humour, and fine, bristling harmonies.

Do come – it will be a grand night of powerful songs.

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Bruce Watson - rare Sydney appearance!
Bruce Watson