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Sydney Shape Note Singers
3pm, Sunday 11th May, 2014

By Judy Jones
Posted Friday, March 21, 2014


The Sydney Shape Note Singers* sing four-part acapella traditional sacred harp music from a book called The Sacred Harp, in the shape note tradition. It is an open group. No musical or singing experience is required - just the desire to sing!

The next sing is on Sunday 11th May 2014 at Dickson St Space, 35-39 Dickson St, Newtown, from 3-6pm. Accessible by bus, train and car.

The group welcomes everybody of all ages, ability levels, political and religious backgrounds..the common ground is that they sing together. The singing is rousing and uplifting.

For more information on sacred harp visit the Sacred Harp Singing web site.

*Formerly the Surry Hills Shape Note Singers

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