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Danny Spooner + Bodmin Gaol @ The Loaded Dog
Saturday 24th November, 2012, 8pm, doors open 7.40, entry $13/15

By Sandra Nixon
Posted Sunday, September 2, 2012

Danny Spooner

Singer of traditional and contemporary folk songs of Britain and Australia - solo acoustic singer, guitar and concertina. Danny Spooner's passion is the expression of British and Australian culture through folk music. For 30 years around Australia, audiences have enjoyed his concert brackets, workshops and one-man shows, his deep multi-disciplinary understanding of social history, his personal warmth, and his immense repertoire of songs covering the full range of human emotions, endeavours and experiences… He is a spellbinder who can make traditional music seem new and can make new songs seem old.

+ support Bodmin Gaol (Nick Lock & Malcolm Clapp)

from Nick - Bodmin Gaol is the name of a local Jail in Cornwall which housed the worst offenders! Malcolm Clapp and I decided to form a duo under that name in the late 70's. Malcolm is a virtuoso accordian and concertina player and I sing a bit. We used to sing at the Elizabeth Folk Club, Cats Whiskers at Balmain, the Agincourt Folk Club,The Govenors pleasure and in the early 80's we had a regular spot at Tilly's Wine Bar in Paddington. We also played at several Folk festivals and were well received. We concentrated on English folk particularly West Country songs mostly light hearted and good fun.
In the 80s we split not by ill will but circumstances and marriage and Malcolm went on to form a bush band and me a teaching career. This is the first time Bodmin Gaol has been 'let out' for a long time and we both are looking forward to it very much.

from Malcolm - A duo consisting of Nick Lock and Malcolm Clapp, BODMIN GAOL used to sing and play around the Sydney folk scene back in the early 1980s.
Although not performing together regularly for some years, they recently decided to reform and to undertake a few folk club gigs "for old time's sake".
With an emphasis on audience participation and humour, their core repertoire of songs from Nick's native Cornwall has expanded to include traditional style material from other parts of Britain and from the music hall stage.

Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, upstairs,
79 Johnston St, Annandale
bookings & enquiries 9358 4886
BYO, supper available

photos - Bob Bolton
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Danny Spooner + Bodmin Gaol @ The Loaded Dog