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Robin Connaughton (replacing John Dengate) & Jenny Fitzgibbon lead a cast of thousands in a night of Parodies @ The Loaded Dog
8PM, Saturday 27th July 2013

By Sandra Nixon
Posted Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Previously advertised with John Dengate.

When John Dengate's medical advisers heard he had THE gig every singer wants, they conspired to request his presence in each & every one of their rooms all at the same time, leaving him no time for his gig!!

Fortunately he found a replacement, his old partner in musical crime, the wonderful ROBIN Connaughton (YAH!! cheers!)

In John's words - Robin will fulfil his obligations with aplomb, elan and panache.


Join parody masters Robin Connaughton & Jenny Fitzgibbon for a night of parody
BYO parody

Robin & Jenny will present their brackets then YOU can share your parodies.

As spaces on the blackboard will be limited, please book.

We will be starting with an extended floorspot from Fox Hat Trio Dave Hughes, Lonnie Martin & Helen Row who are making a special trip from Queensland to visit us. They sing the old songs, celebrating harvest, home, sea and work. Drawing inspiration from the great traditional singers of the Anglo-Celtic folk revival they sing in deft harmony with passion and belief.

Robin Connuaghton has been a member of the Roaring Forties since it was The Sydney Shanty Singers way back in the late 70's of the previous century. He is a songwriter, unaccompanied singer, musician, wordsmith, debater, resident wit of the Forties and devilish writer of satirical songs that can make a politician spontaneously combust.

Queenslander Jenny Fitz just loves singing and is also the author of many a wicked parody! She is a festival of song all by herself. Her vocals rip it up and hush it down. With drama and humour she’ll lead you through familiar fields and dark forests. Compelling acapella.

Together they will host a great evening of songs & merriment.

Loaded Dog, upstairs Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, 79 Johnston St, 8pm (doors open 7.40pm)
$18/20, BYO, supper available.
enquiries Sandra (02) 9358 4886,


Note - door prices have risen as the Dog's rent has doubled to align the Annandale
Neighbourhood Centre with other Leichhardt Council properties

Robin Connaughton (replacing John Dengate) & Jenny Fitzgibbon lead a cast of thousands in a night of Parodies @ The Loaded Dog