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Chloe Hall & The Roaring Forties @ The Loaded Dog
8pm Saturday 24th May

By Sandra Nixon
Posted Friday, April 11, 2008

A concert with Chloe Hall is uplifting, thought-provoking and entertaining. An accomplished songwriter with a beautiful voice, this Melbourne-based singer/songwriter has toured extensively, both in Australia and North America, and is well known to lovers of Australian contemporary folk music.

As a singer she is radiant, being one of those people who draws the audience into the mood she creates. Hers is an intimate performance into which even aging cynics can relax. Her singing has an effortless wide range. Anybody who can sing at the top end of their range in a near whisper is a respectable performer and Chloe Hall uses the full width of the expressive spectrum - as I said - effortlessly. Her poetry and writing have both complexity and almost ridiculous simplicity. “Fallen angel boy” is a chorus for the illiterate with a far more complex use of images in the verses.

John Warner

We're called the Roaring Forties,
but we aren't just puff and blow, sir
We sing great songs with choruses,
join in them if you know, sir
We've been together, man and girl,
for manys the long year, sir
And how we tell each from the rest,
you're very soon to hear, sir
And we sing songs of maritime and mayhem,
maidens fair and sporty
Old hymns and worksongs and the like,
we are the Roaring Forties

Chloe Hall & The Roaring Forties @ The Loaded Dog