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Your friends will never forget you
6pm, Fri 24th April 2009

By Wayne Richmond
Posted Friday, March 20, 2009

Denis Kevans Anzac Eve Peace Concert

Leichhardt Town Hall
Norton & Marion Streets

$25 ($15 conc.)

Enquiries: 9367 9351


Performers include:

• Enda Kenny
• Margaret & Bob Fagan
• The Lurkers
• Cassandra Eager
• Sonia Bennett
• Jenni Nixon
• Tony Barry
• Dennis Aubrey
• Siobhan McHugh

Let us all promote Anzac Day as a Day of Peace and not drum beating.

In memory of the anti-war 'Poet Lorikeet' and Timor Leste Independence activist, Denis Kevans and the millions who have lost their lives in unnecessary wars.

All artists donating their time and talent. All money to Leichhardt Council's 'Friends of Maliana' projects.

Please download a poster and help publicize this event.

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Your friends will never forget you