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Ecopella 'Songs in the Key of Green' CD Launch at Wombarra
1-4pm Saturday 28th March 2009
Wombarra Sculpture Garden,
57 Morrison Avenue, Wombarra

By Miguel Heatwole
Posted Friday, February 20, 2009

Ecopella CD Launch – Save The World Music!

Ecopella at the Folkus Room, Canberra, March 2009

Ecopella is an environmental choir that sings about the beauty of our world and the struggle to protect it from exploitation and destruction. Ecopella’s strong environmental message encourages positive change in people's thoughts and actions and offers encouragement to a wide variety of green organisations.


Ecopella originated in Sydney in 1998 and now have branches in the Blue Mountains, Illawarra, and Canberra as well. They have sung at a wide range of events, including benefit concerts, protests, campaign launches, community gatherings and folk festivals.

Ecopella at Majors Creek, 2008

Songs in the Key of Green is Ecopella’s second CD and celebrates a decade of environmental harmony. The album is a collection of beautiful and haunting songs with the occasional satirical one thrown in for good measure.

Wombarra Sculpture Garden

The album covers a range of environmental issues. Bad governmental planning is denounced in Put It On The Ground, global warming is tragically explored in Ice Tears and the activists anthem Weary sings praise for all those fighting for the environment. The beauty of nature is evoked in All the Wild Wonders and audiences are given a few ideas of everyday ways of helping the planet in My Kyoto and Living in One World.

Ecopella’s conductor, Miguel Heatwole says, “the event will be an uplifting and positive way in which people can acknowledge what has to be done and recognize those who are tirelessly campaigning. The launch will also be a fundraiser for the Wilderness Society.”

Directions to Wombarra Sculpture Garden

Songs in the Key of Green will be launched at the Wombarra Sculpture Garden, 57 Morrison Avenue, Wombarra on Saturday, 28th March, 1-4pm.

Tickets at the garden: $10/$5

bring a picnic + join us for lunch at noon + also available coffee + cakes

Sponsored by Healthy Cities Illawarra.

CD will be on sale $28.

Enquiries please call Miguel Heatwole – (02) 9810 4601

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Ecopella 'Songs in the Key of Green' CD Launch at Wombarra
Songs in the Key of Green Ecopella's new CD