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Songs of Protest and Rebellion
1.30pm Sunday Sept 11th 2005

By Cec Bucello
Posted Friday, September 2, 2005

Calling all protest song fans!

On Sunday September 11, seeing it's such an auspicious date, the usual Troubadour Folk Club format will be replaced by a themed concert called "Songs of Protest and Rebellion".

Fourteen different performers will contribute songs or poems in the following loose categories:

  • War
  • Union and Work
  • Women's Rights
  • Discrimination
  • Reconciliation
  • September 11, or just
  • General Whingeing.
Linda Campbell will be presenting three or four songs of Chilean Singer Victor Jara who was murdered in the first September 11, 1973.

CWA Hall (Opp Fisherman's Wharf) Woy Woy.

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Songs of Protest and Rebellion