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Old Time & Bush Dance Friday 26 June 2015, Wentworth Falls
7.30-11.30pm, Friday June 26 2015

By Caroline Barrell
Posted Saturday, April 18, 2015

100 years Wentworth Falls School of Arts

Centenary Bushdance - Celebrate the Centenary of the opening of the Wentworth Falls School of Arts with an Old Time and Family Bush dance. ]

Dress: 1915-2015.

Enjoy an evening of dance, including a traditional supper, with music by local bushband The Ganggangs, and Friends.

Expect the Pride of Erin, the Gypsy tap, Barndance and Strip the Willow, and many more. Duncan Barrell, our experienced dance caller will talk you through the moves. No experience is necessary, partners are not essential. The Blue Mountains Heritage Dance group aims to promote enjoyable social dancing and is pleased to be hosting this event in keeping with the School of Arts’ long history of community dance.

Cost is $10 per person, at the door, or $20 per family.

Wentworth Falls School of Arts (large hall)
Cnr of Adele Ave & Great Western Highway
Wentworth Falls

Related info:
Ganggangs Bushband
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Old Time & Bush Dance Friday 26 June 2015, Wentworth Falls
Bushdance for Wentworth Falls School of Arts Centenary flier.