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Bush Dance at Springwood for BM Refugee Support Group
6-10pm, Saturday 31st July 2010

By Patrick Harte
Posted Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Springwood Civic Centre
Macquarie Street
Springwood (lower Blue Mountains)

'Gang-gang Bush Orchestra'

We have a whole swag of tunes and dances ready for this night of merriment. It will be a mixed night of dancing with mostly medium challenging bush dances with a few simpler things to get younger people involved. The dances we've done for the Springwood area have been energetic and enthusiastic and the band are all keen to play for them.
The Gang-gang Bush Orchestra is a large local community band with instruments some of which are not your usual bush band fare. The dances will be taught briefly and called during the dancing by Patrick Harte.

with Guest spot 'The Lurkers'

The Lurkers will play during the dinner spot in the middle of the evening. The Lurkers are young activists who play in the bluegrass style, they sing about our planet and what is going on with it.
"Humour is indeed a great weapon in any fight, and this 'anit-humourless activism' deserves to be heard, and danced to." Chris Peken. City Hub August 2009

Blue Mountains Refugee Support Group will provide refreshments: coffee, tea and cakes included in entry fee with other foods available.
Raffel being held with prize donated by local businesses
ALL proceeds going to the BMRSG to aid in their much needed work helping people in our community.

Related info:
The Lurkers
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