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Posted Wednesday, December 29, 2004
JAM is organised into nine main sections, most of which are sub-divided into sub sections:
About JAM
- Using JAMEvents
- Folk Federation
- Cornstalk
- Practice Articles
- Downloads
- Sydney East/InnerVenues/Clubs
- Sydney North
- Sydney South
- Sydney West
- Blue Mountains
- West
- Central Coast
- North Coast
- South Coast
- Interstate
- International
- Almost AcousticDance
- Bathurst Folk Club
- Braidwood Folk Club
- etc.
- Sydney East/InnerArtists
- Sydney North
- Sydney South
- Sydney West
- Blue Mountains
- West
- Central Coast
- North Coast
- South Coast
- Articles
- SoloistsArticles (including reviews)
- Duos
- Groups
- International visitors
- Reviews: NSW recordingsFolk Mart
- Reviews: Australian recordings
- Reviews: International recordings
- Reviews: concerts
- Reviews: festivals
- Reviews: other
- Misc Articles
- Instruments for saleJAM Talk (separate online discussion software)
- Instruments wanted
- Instrument repairs
- Recordings for sale
- Recordings wanted
- Musicians available
- Musicians wanted
- Teachers available
- Teachers wanted
- Music available
- Music wanted
- NSWLinks to the main sections are available at the top of every screen.
- Other states
- National
- International
Click the JAM logo in the top left-hand corner to return to JAM's home page.
Please Note!
The current structure is by no means fixed in stone. Suggestions are ernestly invited re additional or alternative sections/sub sections, etc. JAM is a revolutionary concept and it is difficult to forsee how it will end up being used and, therefore, to determine in advance the best structure for it. Email or phone Wayne (0400) 803 804) with your ideas.
[next - 'Ideas for JAM articles']