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Public Liability Insurance for folk performers
Update on what's available for folk musicians, dancers, groups & venue operators.

By Chris Wheeler
Posted Saturday, October 16, 2004

The following information is a guide to several alternatives in public liability insurance and other cover for folk artists and events that we know of at the present time. This information does not claim to be definitive but has been compiled with good will as a service to members and friends of the Folk Federation of NSW. The rates discussed are current as at time of publication.

1. Folk Alliance Australia/Aon Risk Services

several alternatives in public liability insurance

Folk Alliance Australia (FAA) has entered into an arrangement with Aon Risk Services to provide cover for a range of events and to meet individual circumstances of performers and organisers. You or your organisation must be a member of FAA in order to take advantage of these arrangements. FAA does not act as an intermediary but merely invites you to join their Insurance program. Below is a summary of cover available through FAA / Aon:

1.1 Individual Public Liability Insurance

  • $115 per person pa for persons earning less than $10,000 pa from performance.
  • $230 per person pa for persons earning between $10,000-$100,000 pa from performance.
1.2 Instrument Insurance
  • 10% discount for FAA members
1.3 Folk Club/Dance Group/Choir Public Liability Insurance
  • Annual Club cover for all events up to 200 attendees $360 pa includes meetings, fund-raisers, concerts etc.
1.4 Festivals Public Liability Insurance

Events with over 200 attendees: Annual Club policy premium $360 plus a charge of 28c per attendee. If camping facilities are the responsibility of the Festival then the fee per attendee rises to 42c.

For example:

  • Club with festival attracting 1500 patrons with no camping allowed - Annual club policy $360 + $420 (1500 x .28c) = $780
  • Club with festival attracting 1500 patrons and allowing camping - $360 + $630 ( 1500 x .42c) =$990
1.5 Annual Voluntary Workers Accident Insurance: includes voluntary performers ($75,000 Death & Disablement, $500 per week loss of income)

Excludes stunts acrobatics and other hazardous activities. Age limit 12 years to 80 years

cover for folk artists and events

1 – 10 volunteers = $379
11 – 50 volunteers = $494
51 – 100 volunteers = $847
100+ volunteers = $POA


1.6 Home & Contents, Landlords & Travel Insurance

  • Aon offers FAA & Folk Federation members and their families a 20% discount on their on-line Personal Insurance website. The policies are underwritten by CGU Insurance Ltd.
  • Go to, obtain a quotation then deduct 20%. If you then wish to proceed with cover call Ken Killen on 1800 806 584 or after hours 0418 448 641 and he will give you a password to activate the discount.
  • For more information about these insurance arrangements visit the FAA website or email the treasurer, Jan Francis

2. Duck for Cover Insurance – for performers

Duck for Cover is a facility brokered by the same insurance company, Aon, initiated by a group of Melbourne based performers. It is designed specifically for professional or semi-professional performers, including street performers, musicians, spoken word performers and some other entertainers. Fee for a musician applying for the first time would be $360; this reduces for renewing applicants. For more information visit the Duck for Cover website

3. Aon Risk Services- Entertainment & Events Division

Aon’s Musical Equipment policy has a Public Liability add-on available for $150 for musicians earning less than $100,000pa. Contact Ken Killen 1800 806 584 toll free.

4. Marsh Insurance

As with Aon, Marsh Insurance Pty Ltd offers a Public Liability add-on for $150 for musicians earning less that $100,000. Contact the Adelaide office, 08 8211 7655 or toll-free 1800 882 317, and ask for the music section.

NSW Folk Federation Affiliate members update

The Folk Federation is currently insured through the FAA/Aon Insurance Program mentioned above. Affiliate members are under no obligation to follow suit. If you are still insured with Aradlay, your cover is negotiated between you and the insurer with no intermediate contact from the Folk Fed.

Public Liability Insurance for folk performers